Legends of the Hidden Temple Wiki

Chime is a financial technology company that provides debit cards and accounts.

Chime is used as the rewards for the Temple Runs in the fourth season/reboot. Just for going into the Temple, the competing team will receive $2,500 in a debit account provided by Chime. If they can grab the artifact before time runs out, the amount increases to $10,000. If they can make it out of the Temple with the artifact before the four-minute time limit runs out, the amount increases all the way to $25,000.


Season 4[]

Successful Temple Runs:

  1. 4x03 The Amazing Talking Rooster of Lam-Ang
  2. 4x07 The Golden Apple of Atalanta
  3. 4x12 Gilgamesh and the Lycium of Immortality


Season 4[]

Just for getting into the Temple:

  1. 4x01 The Maya Legend of the Hero Twins
  2. 4x02 The Hawaiian Legend of Pele
  3. 4x04 The Nyanga Legend of Mwindo
  4. 4x06 The Norse Legend of Freyja
  5. 4x08 The Japanese Legend of Susano'o
  6. 4x10 The Egyptian Legend of Isis
  7. 4x11 The Lakota Legend of the White Buffalo Calf Woman

Artifacts reached before time ran out:

  1. 4x05 The 10,000 Year Pearl Necklace of Rama
  2. 4x09 The Deadly Spear of Cu Chulainn