Blackbeard's Treasure Map
The Golden Cup of Belshazzar
Elizabeth I's Golden Ship
The Helmet of Genghis Khan
The Stone Marker of Leif Erikson
The Helmet of Joan of Arc
The Silver Saddle Horn of Hannibal
The Treasure of Anne Bonny
The Lost Love Letter of Captain John Smith
The Jeweled Necklace of Montezuma
The Crown of Queen Nzinga
The Two-Cornered Hat of Napoleon
The Golden Goblet of Attila the Hun
The Missing Weather Maps of Charles Lindbergh
The Smashed Printing Plate of Frederick Douglass
The Ivory Hunting Horn of Roland
The Royal Torque of Queen Boadicea
The Jewel-Encrusted Egg of Catherine the Great
A real Red Jaguar (or cougar) in the
TV Movie.