Moat CrossingIn this Moat, team members must individually cross the water by crossing over three large, floating icebergs.
Steps of KnowledgeOne of the most feared and powerful of the greek gods was Poseidon, the god of the sea. The greeks feared Poseidon's violent temper, which manifested itself in thunderstorms and earthquakes. Poseidon's awesome power was strengthened by his mighty trident, which never left his side. Legend has it that one morning Poseidon awakened to find the trident missing. He bellowed to his slumbering wife. "Amphitrite, have you seen my trident?" "Poseidon, if you've seen one Trident you've seen them all." Poseidon sent out a warning to all of Greece. "Unless my trident is returned by midnight, I will unleash such fury upon this land that no creature will be safe!" The Greeks searched high and low (mostly low), but to no avail. At five minutes before midnight Greek standard time, a young fisherman named Cretus stood trembling before Poseidon. "You're royal wetness, a near-sighted stingray mistook your trident for his brother. I retrieved it. Unfortunately, it is broken in two." "You are a good and honest soul, young Cretus, even if you smell like a trout." As a reward, Poseidon gave Cretus half of the broken trident, and the other half found its way to the Temple.
Temple GamesThe Green Monkeys are Elizabeth, who originates from Mississippi and loves skating, and James, who wants to be an archaeologist. The Silver Snakes are Kimberly, who plays softball and plays with her many pets, and Tony, who despite his nickname of "Little Man" is out to prove to others that it is not about height, but strength. Set Off the Storm (Bungee Ceiling)[]In th legend, when Poseidon couldn't find his trident, he unleashed several tempests and storms throughout Greece; in the sky above Elizabeth and Kimberly was thunder, and on the ground was a watering hole. When Kirk gave the signal, each girl would jump towards the ceiling, grab a lightning bolt and place it in the bin, and whoever got all 10 lightning bolts down within 60 seconds would win. Elizabeth had a very hard time getting a good enough bounce, but managed to get 2 bolts, whereas Kimberly fared much better, getting 7 bolts, awarding the Silver Snakes a half-Pendant. Poseidon, God of Horses (Bucking Horses)[]Poseidon wasn't just the god of the sea, but the god of horses; when Kirk gave the signal, the horse would begin to gallop. If either James or Tony fell off, the opposing player would receive a point, and whoever had more points by the end of 60 seconds would win. Both boys had varying levels of stability on the horse, but Tony ultimately won 3-2, completing the Silver Snakes' full Pendant. Offerings to Poseidon's Children (Slingshot Wall)[]On a wall behind the teams were four of Poseidon's children (Triton, Arian, Polyphemus, and Anteus), and they had give them offerings; when Kirk gave the signal, the boys would shoot a ball to the girls, who would catch it and give it as an offering to the first god. They would continue this to the top, and whoever gave offerings to all four gods within 60 seconds would win; both teams had reached Polyphemus, giving them both one Pendant, but the Silver Snakes advanced to Olmec's Temple with two pendants.
Temple RunKimberly headed into the temple first, moving at a moderate pace. Starting off by heading up into The Crypt, she got lucky as she unlocked the door to The Pit of the Pendulum after pulling on only one book from the skeleton. Quickly getting onto the rope swing, Kimberly knocks down the column with just a small tap and unlocks the door to The Tomb of the Headless Kings. Once she was in there, Kimberly goes in a full circle, pulling on all the ropes to find the missing skull. After pulling on the last few ropes, Kimberly finds the skull relatively quickly and was able to unlock the door to The Jester's Court after placing the skull on the king on the right. (Being the second one that she had to try). Slightly picking up the pace, Kimberly gets to work on lining up her body against the wall paintings and was able to unlock the door to The Dark Forest after trying the middle painting. (Also being the second one that she had to try). In there, Kimberly thought on her feet and decided not to search for the key within the trees, (A wise decision since a temple guard was hiding in one of the trees), and decides to bust through The Stone Wall and into The Quicksand Bog. But unfortunately, it took her a bit to climb into the bog, but once she was in there, Kimberly decides to climb up the ladder and see if she could enter The Shrine of the Silver Monkey. While it was a smart move, sadly, the door didn't open, so Kimberly is now forced to go up the slide, through The Pharaoh's Secret Passage and into The Room of the Secret Password. But just like with before, Kimberly also had a bit of trouble while climbing up the slide and it took her a small chunk of time just to get through the passageway. But still with plenty of time, Kimberly enters The Room of the Secret Password and starts reading the passwords. In the end, "Open Sesame" was the message that allowed her to access The Shrine of the Silver Monkey, and with 49 seconds left, Kimberly grabs the trident and can now make her way back to the temple gates! And with a good chunk of time left, Kimberly can definitely make it back on time...however, things will not go the way anybody could have expected it, and in the worse way possible... After grabbing the trident, Kimberly starts to slow down while passing through the rooms. To make matters worse, she presumed that she had to perform the objectives of the rooms in order to continue onwards. When Kimberly entered The Room of the Ancient Warriors, she dropped the trident and attempted to try the armor on the left. But when Kirk told her to continue onwards as the doors were all opened, Kimberly listened and decided to head up into The King's Storeroom...but she ended up leaving the trident in the process! Kirk had to shout at her again to go back and grab the trident, but Kimberly didn't hear or listened to Kirk and attempted to change her path by heading into The Chamber of the Sacred Markers! Kirk continued to call for her go back, as Tony can only stand and watch things unfold in front of him. (But at the very least, he is still supportive of his teammate). And with 27 seconds left, Kimberly finally got the message and went back to get the trident. But even after doing so, Kimberly still made very questionable decisions. After entering The Chamber of the Sacred Markers, she decided not to enter The Pit of the Pendulum from there and instead headed down to The Tomb of the Headless Kings. And with all the time with what could have been a flawless victory for this pair of Silver Snakes, ended up becoming one of the biggest blunders within Legends history, as time ran out as soon as Kimberly re-enters The Pit of the Pendulum. With even Kirk even sounding a bit unamused by the decision but still compliments the two for their hard work throughout the episode. While Kimberly may have not been very fast, she was still a very good player during most of the temple run and managed to complete the objectives relatively fast or had luck on her side. Especially since she never encountered a temple guard at all! But the lack of planning, and confusion while trying to leave the temple ultimately cost them the grand prize. But just like with other runs that ended in a similar fashion to this one, it ultimately makes this one a very memorable run.
Prize Plugs
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The Broken Trident of Poseidon