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The Broken Wing of Icarus
Broken Wing of Icarus
The broken wing on the camera-left shelf.

Production Number

2-38 (78)


July 12, 1994


Green Monkeys


Jason & April

Artifact Location

The Shrine of the Silver Monkey

Pendants of Life


Temple Layout


Previous Episode

The Two-Cornered Hat of Napoleon (Broadcast Order)
The Levitating Dog Leash of Nostradamus (Production Order)

Next Episode

The Bonnet of Dolley Madison

The Broken Wing of Icarus is the 78th episode of Legends of the Hidden Temple. It was the 52nd episode to be aired.

Moat Crossing

Broken Wing of Icarus Moat Crossing

The Moat for the last production day of Season 2 was a simple one; players just had to swing on a rope to get across. The Silver Snakes got their first teammate across the fastest, and also rang their gong first. Very soon after, the Green Monkeys, Purple Parrots and Red Jaguars locked into second, third and fourth place respectively.

Moat Results
Finish Team Time
1st Silver Snakes 0:18
2nd Green Monkeys 0:21
3rd Purple Parrots 0:28
4th Red Jaguars 0:31

Steps of Knowledge

One of the greatest inventors of all time was the mythical Greek, Dædalus. Held captive by an evil king, Dædalus built two sets of wings out of feathers and wax so he and his son Icarus could escape.

"Icarus," said Dædalus, "don't fly too high, because the sun will melt your wings!"

But once he was airborne, Icarus forgot his father's advice.

"Look, dad!" he said. "I can see the whole city from here! I'm going a little higher!"

"No!" said Dædalus, but Icarus flew up to where he could see the mountains and their terraced farms.

A falcon passed above, and he flew up to meet it. Now he could see the distant ocean with waves crashing on its shore. His father was just a dot below calling, "Icarus! Icarus!" But Icarus couldn't hear. According to legend, an eagle called to him, and then a cloud, and each time, Icarus flew higher. But, as he got higher, the sun got hotter and melted his wings. They broke apart, and he plunged down into the ocean. All that was left was a part of a feathered wing, which floated ashore.

Steps of Knowledge Results
Question Answers Team
Which of these men was the father of Icarus?
  • Dædalus
Silver Snakes (Correct - 2 steps left)
Is the story of Icarus and Dædalus…?
  • A Greek Myth
  • An Egyptian Myth
Silver Snakes (Correct - 1 step left)
Dædalus and Icarus were held captive on the island of Crete. Is Crete found in…?
  • The Mediterranean Sea
  • The Baltic Sea
  • The Sea of Tranquility
Silver Snakes (Correct - Advanced to Temple Games)
Dædalus and Icarus were held in a structure from which no one could escape. Was it…?
  • A Dungeon
  • A Maze
  • A House of Mirrors
Green Monkeys (Correct - 2 steps left)
Which of these is another name for a maze?
  • A Labyrinth
  • A Fortress
Green Monkeys (Correct - 1 step left)
Which of these legendary creatures was the labyrinth built to contain?
  • The Minotaur
  • The Sphinx
Green Monkeys (Correct - Advanced to Temple Games)

Temple Games

The Silver Snakes are Kevin and Lisa. The Green Monkeys are Jason and April.

Birds in the Sky (Bungee Ceiling)[]

According to legend, Icarus loved the view of the Earth, the clouds, and flying with the birds. Here, April and Kevin were able to see what it was like. When Kirk gave the signal, each player had to grab a bird, jump up, stick it in the sky above him/her and then do the same with the rest of the birds. The player with the most birds in the sky in 60 seconds won. This game almost resulted in a tie, as April placed her fifth bird in the sky at the last second while Kevin managed to place four, awarding April a half Pendant of Life.

Icarus's Melted Wings (Tilt Swing)[]

As Icarus flew higher, the sun melted his wings and he began to lose feathers one by one. When Kirk gave the signal, Jason and Lisa each had to run around to Icarus's wing, jump up, grab a feather, bring it around, drop it into each of their buckets, and then run back around to do it again. The player with the most feathers in his/her bucket in 60 seconds won. Lisa dropped her fourth feather in her bucket at the last second, while Jason dropped a total of seven feathers in his bucket, awarding him a half Pendant of Life.

Feather Flight (Trapeze)[]

Icarus's father, Dædalus gave him the feathers that enabled him to fly. When Kirk gave the signal, the girls had to represent Dædalus by placing a feather between their feet, grabbing the trapeze, and swinging out to meet their partners (representing Icarus) in the middle. Once there, they had to give their partners the feathers, which they will stick to their backs. The team with the most feathers on the male player's back in 60 seconds won. While counting the feathers, Kirk at first failed to notice the two feathers on the bottom of Kevin's back until he counted a total of six for the Silver Snakes, beating out the Green Monkeys' four, awarding the Silver Snakes a full Pendant of Life, which to a tie.


Broken Wing of Icarus Tiebreaker

Olmec: "The civilization of Ancient Crete was destroyed by a volcanic eruption. Which of these mythical places has also thought to have been destroyed by the same event: Shangri La, Atlantis, or Mount Olympus?" Kevin rang in and incorrectly answered "Mount Olympus", giving the Green Monkeys a chance to answer. April correctly answered, "Atlantis", sending her and Jason to Olmec's Temple in search of the broken wing.

Temple Games Results
Team Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Pendants Won Tiebreaker
Green Monkeys Won Won Lost 1 Pendant Won
Silver Snakes Lost Lost Won 1 Pendant Lost

Temple Run

The run begins with Jason going into the temple first, moving at a fast pace. Deciding to head up into The Crypt as his starting point, Jason quickly pulls on all the books from the skeletons and unlocks the door to The Pit. In there, Jason decides to swing across to the other side and tries to unlock the door to The Observatory first, but it didn't open so he decides to check the door to The Room of the Mandarin Hand next. Luckily, the door opened, so Jason heads in there next, but he gets caught by the first Temple Guard just before he could anything within the room. After giving up the team's only pendant, Jason immediately got to work on placing the fingers on the globe. After placing the pinky finger on the globe, (Revealing that not all the fingers need to be placed on the globe in order to unlock the doors), the door to The King's Storeroom opens up so Jason heads in there next with him being one room away from the broken wing. (Though of course, an easy access/win won't always happen). Quickly smashing and punching through the pots, Jason was able to find the key within the third pot he smashes, but the middle pedestal was the one that unlocked new paths for Jason to explore. However, because Jason noticed that the door to The Observatory was the only one that opened, he tried the key on the left pedestal (the last one he had to try) to see if any other doors would open. But from what he could tell, he believed that The King's Storeroom was a dead end and heads to The Observatory! But luckily, Jason doesn't stay in there for too long and heads back to The King's Storeroom to see if the door to The Jester's Court had opened up. And sure enough, it was, so Jason climbs down the ladder and starts to align against the wall paintings to access The Dark Forest. After trying the middle painting, (the second one Jason had to try), he was able to access The Dark Forest and heads in there to find the key within the trees. Though for a few seconds, Jason stood still for a bit, wondering what to do. But eventually, he does stick his hand inside the tree on the left and finds the key with ease. Using the key, he then unlocks the door to The Shrine of the Silver Monkey, climbs up the ladder, and grabs The Broken Wing of Icarus with 54 seconds left on the clock! Now with all the doors open, and with plenty of time, Jason can definitely make it back to temple gates and win the grand prize for himself and April! But things didn't go the way anybody could have expected it...

While Jason moved very fast throughout the temple and completed everything with ease, he unexpectedly started to slow down and hesitated while attempting to escape the temple. First, he went past The King's Storeroom and up The Observatory. But once he was up there, Jason paused as he didn't know where to go and didn't move till Kirk told him to continue moving. Then, Jason decides to head down to The Room of the Mandarin Hand even though he could have saved time by simply heading to The Pit from there. Now one level down, and moving to The Pit, Jason decides not to attempt to swing back across The Pit and instead jumped down so he can go through The Ledges instead. (Thus, making it harder for himself). But still with plenty of time, (27 seconds left) Jason can still make it back in time, but things still went down in the craziest way possible. Crawling through the caverns of The Ledges, Jason got really confused on where he had to exit, and presumed he had to go to where the old entrance to The Ledges was! But once he realized his mistake, Jason heads back up and finally discovers where he has to go. But it's pretty clear with the amount of running and climbing that Jason had to do, he started to get really tired and exhausted as he started to move at a very sluggish pace as he tried to make it back to the gates. With the clock ticking down, Jason shimmies his way out of The Ledges and is now extremely close to the temple gates.
Time Runs Out Right Before Jason Could Win

With just mere inches away from the temple gate, time runs out just as Jason was right behind Olmec.

But what has to be one of the most shocking, painful, and most heartbreaking ending within Legends history, is that when Jason was literally behind Olmec, just about to exit the temple, time ran out which made Kirk jump for surprise as he could not believe that Jason was only a few inches away to the exit!

While Jason was a very good player and did extremely well clearing out the rooms he went through in a timely fashion. But the lack of planning, confusing choices, and slowing down while trying to escape the temple had ultimately led to one of the most iconic but saddest lost within the show's history. But at the same time, some fans had pointed that if Jason didn't make the detour up The Observatory while he was still trying to get to the wing on time, he would have more time to get out even with him slowing down. (Besides making the mistake in The Ledges). Like Icarus, Jason flew high, but the sun/time will be his only enemy.

Temple Run Results
Victory No (but nearly)
Grabbed the Artifact Yes
Reached the Artifact's Room Yes
Method of Loss Failed Escape
Temple Guard Locations The Room of the Mandarin Hand (blue mask)
The Ledges (gold mask)
The Mine Shaft (black mask)

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