Moat CrossingIn this Moat Crossing, players had to walk across these swinging platforms at the same time, and teams all did very well. The Blue Barracudas, Green Monkeys, Orange Iguanas and Red Jaguars were the first four teams to hit their gongs.
Steps of KnowledgeOne of the boldest kings of England was William the Conqueror. When King Edward died, William was heir to the throne, but his rival, Harold of Orange, made himself king. So William, who was in France, gathered an army and sailed across the English Channel to reclaim his throne. The night before the big battle, William's men watched the campfires of the enemy flickering in the distance when suddenly, an enormous comet appeared streaking across the sky. The men gasped. "It's an evil omen. Am I frightened! Let's go home." For a moment it seemed the men would turn tail and run, but William stood his ground. "That's not an evil omen. It's a good one. I am the rightful heir and that's a sign that heaven is on our side. Tomorrow, we shall ride forth and vanquish Harold of Orange." It worked. William's fearlessness and stirring words gave his men courage. Soon they were cheering him on and the next day they defeated Harold in battle. In honor of his victory, William had the comet-embroidered onto his battle flag.
Temple GamesThe Red Jaguars are Natalie, who plays basketball and talks on the phone with her friends, and Kyle, who jet-skis and collects basketball cards. The Green Monkeys are Olivia, who rides horses and has a 120-pound pig, and Jonathan, who plays tennis and water-skis. Scattered Stones (Trampoline/Net Maze)[]After William the Conqueror smashed Harold of Saxon's army, he reduced all the castles of Harold's supporters to rubble and scattered the stones so they could never be rebuilt. Before Kyle and Jonathan stood the remains of an impenetrable fortress. When Kirk gave the signal, each player had to jump up, grab the net, and push the rubble up to the next level. Then, he had to climb through, go on to the next level continuing to push the rubble upwards. The player to reach the top of the fortress and throw all the rubble over the side in 60 seconds won. The same bugle sound from the previous episode played when Jonathan reached the top. He threw down both foam boulders with 26 seconds remaining, awarding him a half pendant of life. William's Spies to Harold's Camp (Big "E" Wall)[]In advance of the Battle of Hastings, William sent spies infiltrate Harold's camp. Before Natalie and Olivia stood a map of the terrain with a path through it, and a hole where Harold's men are camped. When Kirk gave the signal, each player had to climb along the wall and maneuver the chain along the slot until either player can pass through. The first player to enter Harold's camp in 60 seconds won. Olivia made it to Harold's camp with three seconds remaining, awarding her a half pendant of life. Fight Like William the Conqueror (Foam Boulder Throwdown)[]Like the army of William the Conqueror, each team faced an army of six hostile soldiers. When Kirk gave the signal, the player on the ground had to grab a medieval boulder and throw it up to his partner. Once his partner had the boulder, she had to launch it at a soldier and then retreat to receive another boulder from her partner. The team to knock down all six enemy soldiers or the team to knock down the most enemy soldiers in 60 seconds won. Olivia knocked down her last soldier with 25 seconds remaining, awarding her a full Pendant of Life, sending her and Jonathan to Olmec's Temple with two full Pendants. The Red Jaguars were unable to win any pendants.
Temple RunOlivia went to the temple first and while she moved at a fast pace, she had a lot of bad luck during her run at the temple. Olivia started by going up into The Crypt, and after pulling on the first book, a temple guard immediately jumped out and captured her. After giving up her pendant, Olivia proceeds to The Pit of the Pendulum as the book she pulled before getting captured was the one that unlocked the door. She quickly knocks over the column, and attempted to get back on the foot bridges to see if she can enter into The Chamber of the Sacred Markers or The King's Storeroom. (Not realizing that the only door that opened was the door to The Tomb of the Headless Kings). Unable to gain the momentum, Olivia climbed off the rope swing and instead climbed up to the platforms. Unsurprisingly, the doors were not opened, and Olivia had to jump back down into the pit to enter The Tomb of the Headless Kings. But just as Olivia entered the room and started pulling on some of the ropes, she was immediately caught by the second guard and was removed from the temple with 2:18 left. Jonathan went next to quickly retrace Olivia's footsteps. Just like with his partner, he moved at a very quick pace and makes it to The Tomb of the Headless Kings with 2 minutes left. Jonathan completes the objective pretty quickly and makes his way into The Jester's Court with 1:40 left. In the room, Jonathan was able to unlock the door to The Dark Forest after trying two of the wall paintings, with the middle being the one granting him access to said room. But in the forest, Jonathan couldn't find the key in either of the trees, and after a slight hesitation, he instead opts to bust through The Stone Wall and into The Quicksand Bog. With Olivia cheering him on, Jonathan wisely chooses to climb up the ladder leading to The Shrine of the Silver Monkey. In there, he quickly grabs both the middle piece and the base at the same time and assembles those parts first before doing the head piece. While he did have a slight trouble assembling the monkey, (mainly the middle piece and had to slightly adjust the statue so it was properly placed on the pedestal), Jonathan completes the objective with 0:33 left on the clock and quickly heads into The Room of the Ancient Warriors. In the room, he tries the middle armor first, which luckily opens the door to The Chamber of the Sacred Markers. But unfortunately, it came at a price as the third and final temple guard was hiding in said armor. After releasing his grip on Jonathan, he failed to notice that the door was already open and wasted time trying the other two suits of Armor. With 8 seconds left, Jonathan quickly crawls into the passageway to The Chamber of the Sacred Markers and grabs the flag with three seconds remaining, but sadly, Jonathan ran out of time by the time he re-entered The Pit of the Pendulum. But this was enough for both Olivia and Jonathan to still celebrate their victory on grabbing the flag in time.
Prize Plugs
Alternate Version (Fall 1995)
Alternate Version (Nick GaS)
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The Comet-Embroidered Battle Flag of William the Conqueror