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The Ivory Hunting Horn of Roland
Ivory Hunting Horn of Roland
The hunting horn on the camera-left shelf.

Production Number

3-21 (101)


August 25, 1995[1]


Red Jaguars


Yakerra & Craig

Artifact Location

The Shrine of the Silver Monkey

Pendants of Life

Temple Layout


Previous Episode

The Bifocal Monocle of One-Eyed Jack (Broadcast Order)
The Missing Portrait of Hans Holbein (Production Order)

Next Episode

The Royal Torque of Queen Boadicea (Production Order)
The Metal Beard of the Egyptian Queen (Broadcast Order)

The Ivory Hunting Horn of Roland is the 101st episode of Legends of the Hidden Temple. It was the 115th episode to be aired.

Moat Crossing

Players from each team must individually run and dive onto a long plank with enough speed to reach a rope toward its end which they can use to pull themselves in. If any player stops without being able to reach the rope, falls into the water, or touches the side, he or she is sent back to try again.

Moat Results
Finish Team Time
1st Red Jaguars 0:21
2nd Silver Snakes 0:23
3rd Green Monkeys 0:29
4th Orange Iguanas 0:49

Steps of Knowledge

One of the mightiest knights of the Middle Ages was Roland, the nephew of Charlemagne, King of the Francs. With his sword, Durendal, Roland led his uncle's armies to battle and conquered most of Europe. In 777, Charlemagne expanded his Empire into Spain. He and Roland crossed the Pyrenees and defeated all the Muslims except King Marsilion of Záragoza, who made an offer of peace.

"If you will withdraw from Spain, I will come to France and pledge eternal obedience. Here are the keys to Záragoza as proof of my goodwill."

"Do not believe him, Uncle. He has played more tricks than David Copperfield."

"Roland, the King's word must be believed, and he has given me the keys. But you and your men shall guard the rear as we leave. Take this ivory hunting horn, and if there's treachery, call me."

Sure enough, as soon as Charlemagne was out of sight, the evil King ambushed Roland and his men. Roland's sword, Durendal, flashed left and right. But the Muslims kept coming and there was no chance to sound the horn. Finally, with a superhuman blow, Roland struck the mountain and opened a huge gap through which to flee. He blew the ivory horn and Charlemagne returned and drove Marsilion's horses back. Later, the ivory hunting horn made its way to the Temple.

Steps of Knowledge Results
Question Answers Team
Was Roland's occupation a...?
  • Wizard
  • Poet
  • Knight
Red Jaguars (Correct - 2 steps left)
Was Roland Charlemagne's...?
  • Son in law
  • Nephew
Green Monkeys (Correct - 2 steps left)
Was Charlemagne the king of...?
  • Franks
Orange Iguanas (Correct - 2 steps left)
Was the name of Roland's sword...?
  • Durendal
Green Monkeys (Correct - 1 step left)
Did Roland conquer...?
  • Most of Europe
Orange Iguanas (Correct - 1 step left)
What mountain range did Roland—?
  • Pyrenees
Green Monkeys (Correct - Advanced to the Temple Games)
Was the king of Záragoza...?
  • Marsilion
  • David
Orange Iguanas (Incorrect - 1 Steps left)
Silver Snakes (Correct - 2 steps left)
Is Záragoza in...?
  • Spain
  • France
  • Italy
Red Jaguars (Correct - 1 step left)
What did King Marsilion offer as proof of his good will?
  • Keys to the city
Red Jaguars (Correct - Advanced to the Temple Games)

Temple Games

The Red Jaguars are Yakerra, who runs track and enjoys reading, and Craig, who wants to be a marine animal trainer and enjoys volleyball. The Green Monkeys are Courtney, who dives and enjoys geography, and Gerald, who plays football and rides BMX bikes.

Conquering Spanish Cities (Boulders)[]

Conquering Spanish Cities Temple Game

With Roland at the forefront, the Franks had a major hold over numerous cities throughout Spain; behind each team stood the towers of their city and between them were giant boulders which ancient armies used to destroy towns. When Kirk gave the signal, Gerald and Craig had to push the boulders to knock over their opponent's towers, without stepping outside of their designated zones, and whoever got all four towers down in 60 seconds would win. Both boys showed very good defense, and ultimately tied with one tower down, awarding both teams a half Pendant.

Empty the Mountain Pass (Trampoline/Rock Basketball)[]

When cornered by Marsilion, Roland blew a gap into a mountain pass for escape; when Kirk gave the signal, Courtney and Yakerra each had to hurls rocks over the net on each others' sides. Shots could be blocked by either player, but Courtney could only shoot her golden blocks, and Yakerra could only shoot her red blocks. Whoever got the most rocks into the opposing hole within 60 seconds would win; Courtney won 9-7, raising the Green Monkeys' score after two games to one Pendant over the Red Jaguars' half Pendant.

Catapult Preparation (Bungees and Chutes)[]

Medieval armies would often prepare sieges by gathering several piles of boulders to catapult into the city; before each team was a pile of boulders requiring relocation. When Kirk gave the signal, Gerald and Yakerra would toss a boulder onto the overhead chute— when it rolled off the opposite side, Courtney and Craig would catch it and whoever passed along the most boulders in 60 seconds would win. The Red Jaguars won 7-5, officially giving them 1½ pendants to the Green Monkeys' 1 pendant.

Temple Games Results
Team Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Pendants Won
Red Jaguars Tied Lost Won 1½ Pendants
Green Monkeys Tied Won Lost 1 Pendant

Temple Run

Yakera Retrieving The Ivory Hunting Horn

Yakerra went into the temple first, moving at a very fast and confident pace. Deciding to start off by heading up into The Crypt, she quickly pulled on all three books from the skeletons to unlock the door to The Pit of the Pendulum. Still moving fast, but stopping a few seconds in The Pit, Yakerra then gets on the rope swing and knocks down the column. After doing so, Yakerra notices that the door to The Tomb of the Headless Kings had opened up, so she immediately jumps off the swing and heads into their next. But upon entering the room, Yakerra encounters the first temple guard, just as she pulled on two of the ropes. After giving up her pendant of life, Yakerra continues on with the objective and pulls the rest of the ropes to find the missing skull. Luckily, the missing skull wasn't hard to find as Yakerra spots it very quickly and places it on the king on the left to unlock the door to The Jester's Court. In there, Yakerra made no hesitations at all as she tried the wall paintings, and she was able to move on into The Dark Forest after trying the middle wall painting. (Being the second one she tried). Now being one room below the ivory hunting horn, Yakerra at first was confused on what to do in The Dark Forest. But it didn't take her too long to realize she had to search for the key within the trees. With another lucky breakthrough, Yakerra finds the key within the tree on the left and was able to unlock the door to The Shrine of the Silver Monkey! Quickly climbing the ladder, Yakerra enters the shrine but stalls for a few seconds until Kirk reminded her that the ivory horn was in the room. Turning around, she finds the horn with 1:34 left! With plenty of time, Yakerra can definitely make it back on time! Though at first, she attempted to leave through the temple guard door, Yakerra quickly realizes her mistake and starts her journey out of the temple by sticking to the upper floors. With Craig cheering her on, knowing he can just stand and relax as a guaranteed victory is inching forward. Yakerra first heads up into The King's Storeroom, then back to The Pit of the Pendulum (where she almost tripped), and finally back up to The Crypt and makes it back to the temple gates with 1:11 left on the clock! As she and Craig happily jump and hug each other over their victory, especially for their future trip to Key Largo! Also, unbeknownst to Yakerra, she managed to break a record by managing to complete the temple run in the quickest time! (By non-production error).

Overall, this temple run proved to be an exciting run as Yakerra did not hesitate or make many mistakes during her run and showed that she was a very confident and fast player. Both Yakerra and Craig were very great contestants and braved through all the challenges within the episode, and their victory was well earned.

Temple Run Results
Victory Yes (1:11 left)
Grabbed the Artifact Yes
Reached the Artifact's Room Yes
Temple Guard Locations The Tomb of the Headless Kings (blue mask)
The King's Storeroom (gold mask)
The Quicksand Bog (black mask)
Half Pendant Location The Chamber of the Sacred Markers

Watch Episode


  1. Hollingsworth, Jan. "Plant City girl wins prizes, spot on game show", The Tampa Tribune (Tampa, Florida), August 21, 1995. 