The Lakota Legend of the White Buffalo Calf Woman (a.k.a. The Mysterious Bundle of the White Buffalo Calf Woman) is the eleventh episode of the reboot version and the 131st episode overall of Legends of the Hidden Temple. StorylineThis story comes from the Lakota people of the Great Plains of South Dakota. The tribe is starving, their source of food and clothing, the great buffalo herd, has not returned. They fear their god, Wakan Tanka has forsaken them. The chief sent his two best scouts to hunt for food when they come upon a beautiful young woman, approaching them wearing a white buffalo skin dress and carrying a mysterious bundle. The first scout is full of awe. "She is a sacred spirit sent by Wakan Tanka." The other scout is aroused and full of lust. "She must become my wife." He stretches out his hand to touch her when suddenly lightning strikes him dead, leaving a heap of blackened bones. The first scout turns to run when the woman stops him. "Tell your chief to put up a tepee and prepare an altar." Then she holds the bundle aloft. "At dawn on the fourth day, I will bring this holy thing to your nation and the herd will return." The woman disappears as quickly as she arrived and the scout sets off to tell his story. Cristela: So, what does the mysterious bundle have to do with it? Olmec: That's where the story gets interesting. Moat CrossingOn the way home, the scout prepares to relay the story pouring over details of his friend's demise and the sacred woman with the mysterious bundle. You are that scout preparing to tell your story. When Cristela gives the signal, swim to the first platform and dig through your friend's bones looking for a clue he left behind to direct you to a hidden buffalo skin. Find the skin and swim it to the second platform. Lay it out on that podium to help you identify which markings were on the woman's mysterious bundle. Find a matching bundle floating in the moat and take it to the shore. Then you may hit your gong. The first three teams to hit their gong continue on their quest. The last team is out.
Steps of KnowledgeThe scout returns to the tribe and tells the chief the fate of his friend and what the woman requests. "Erect a great tepee with 24 poles. Prepare an altar with gifts for Wakan Tanka. Assemble the great council. At dawn on the fourth day she will come with the mysterious bundle and the herd will return." "Do as the woman has asked." He sends the scout through the camp to announce someone sacred is coming and they build the tepee and wait. On the morning of the fourth day before the sun rises over the Eastern Mountains, a small white buffalo calf appears. It lowers itself to the ground and rolls over changing color from white to black to red to yellow and then to white again. As the calf approaches the camp it turns into the young woman carrying the mysterious bundle. She enters the great tepee and unwraps the bundle, revealing the Chanunpa, a sacred pipe sent by Wakan Tanka. She assembles the two pieces, the bowl made of red stone and the stem made of wood. "I have come to teach you how to pray, to Wakan Tanka and to protect Mother Earth. When you light this pipe, your hopes and prayers rise like the smoke." The ceremony concludes, and she departs as mysteriously as she arrived. Reversing the action, she turns back into the white calf, then black, red, yellow and back to white as she disappears into the rising sun, forever to be known as the white buffalo calf woman. The tribe watches in stunned silence, balancing hope with fear.
Temple GamesLakota Tribe (Head-to-Head)[]You are members of the Lakota tribe building the tepee to receive the woman and preparing your gift to Wakan Tanka. When Cristela gives the signal, grab a rope and loop it through the Mayan hoop, creating the structure for your great tepee. For every rope you loop, you may empty one of those vessels looking for either a piece of polished red jasper for Wakan Tanka or a hand painted offering bag to place it in. Beware, most of the vessels are full of dirt. If you find only dirt, thread another rope and open another vessel, put the red stone in the bag and leave the offering on the altar to Wakan Tanka. Then you may run over and hit your gong. The first team to hit their gong wins. Herd Challenge (Time Trial)[]Soon after the white buffalo calf woman disappears, a scout returns! "The great herd has returned even bigger than before. Black, red, and yellow buffalo, all in abundance." They ride to greet the giant herd and find hundreds of buffalo circling one small, unblemished white calf in the very center. In this game, you are assembling the returning herd. When Cristela gives the signal, one of you become the scout, climb atop the mountain to find a diagram of the herd with the white calf in the center. Shout out a color to your teammate below, then slide down, grab a buffalo, and use that slinging device to send it to them. They must catch it without letting it touch the ground. Place it in the colored basket, add horns, and put it in the proper place in the herd, then swap positions. Continue until you complete the herd. Then place the white buffalo calf in the center, race over, and hit your gong to stop the clock. The fastest team wins. Tiebreaker[]Olmec: "The stem of the Chanunpa is made out of what material?" Liz rings in and correctly answers wood, sending her and Adam to Olmec's Temple in search of the mysterious bundle.
The End of the StoryThe white buffalo calf woman brings an end to the famine and enriches the tribe with the Chanunpa, a version of which is still used in Lakota ceremonies today. Every year, the Lakota people look forward to the herd returning. Occasionally, they see a spotless white buffalo calf and they know Wakan Tanka is with them. Temple RunLiz, the frontrunner, entered the Temple and took the middle door to the Spider's Lair. She climbed into the Room of the Beloved and started the maze just before a Temple Guard entered and took her pendant. She made good progress through the Room of the Beloved and the Shrine of the Silver Monkey until she reached the Steamy Hollows. She pressed the wrong key and repeated the mistake two more times. By her fourth attempt, she finally got the right combination and entered the Queen's Armory where she was taken out by the second Temple Guard. Adam worked hard to make up for lost time and made it to where Liz left off in the Queen's Armory. He had trouble finding the armor pieces in the dark room and had even less luck dressing the Queen. The headdress would not stay on and the necklace was difficult to clasp. He managed to keep the pieces on long enough for the gate to unlock, but ran out of time as he was going down the Ladder of Death to the Dark Forest.
The Lakota Legend of the White Buffalo Calf Woman