Moat CrossingIn this Moat, both players from each team cross the water simultaneously by laying their four boards upon two parallel bars, continually adjusting them as necessary to cross the entire pool.
Steps of KnowledgeIn the mid 1600s, the Algonquian Indians captured the governor of Jamestown, Captain John Smith. He was carried struggling into a clearing, and thrown upon a great boulder before Chief Powhatan. Four men held him down, and the executioners lifted two great rocks to crush him. Suddenly, there was a shriek and the sound of running feet. Pocahontas, the daughter of Powhatan, threw herself over the head of the captive. "Do not hurt him, father! I love him!" Powhatan spared the life of the Englishman, John Smith. All winter long, Pocahontas visited her boyfriend at Jamestown, bringing the colonists' food and warning them of danger. All of them were grateful except one: Prunella Pemberwick, who had a crush on John Smith herself. Legend has it that when Smith was suddenly called back to England, he left a love letter for Pocahontas, but Prunella threw the letter away and told Pocahontas that John Smith had died.
Temple GamesThe Orange Iguanas are 14-year-old George, who plays baseball for his high school, and Tathiana, who plays basketball for her school team. The Red Jaguars are 14-year-olds Whitney, who dances, and Derrick, who plays baseball and hockey. His favorite hockey player is Wayne Gretzky. Land Ho! (Boat)[]The Jamestown settlers sailed all the way across the Atlantic to plant the English flag in the New World. Derrick and George fortunately did not have to go that far. When Kirk gave the signal, they had to push their boat off and row it down to the island on the other side. There, they had to then hop out of their boats, plant the English flag, and pull themselves back to the dock and climb onto it. If either player touched the floor, he would have been disqualified. The player to plant the flag and make it back to the dock or the team furthest along in 60 seconds won. Derrick made it back with 42 seconds of spare time, awarding him a half pendant of life. Food for the Winter (Cubbyhole Web)[]The first winter in the New World was a difficult one for the colonists. Their crops failed and they had little to eat. When Kirk gave the signal, Whitney and Tathiana had to scramble up to an opening in the wall, punch through the cover, grab the corn inside, climb back down, place it in their scale bowl. The heavier ears of corn were at the top while the lighter ears of corn were on the sides. The player with the most corn by weight in 60 seconds won. Tathiana had more food in her bowl, awarding her a half pendant of life. Jamestown to Windsor (Slingshot Wall)[]In the early 1600s, English settlers started four colonies in the New World: (1) Jamestown, Virginia (2) Plymouth, Massachusetts (3) Odiorne's Point, New Hampshire, and (4) Windsor, Connecticut. When Kirk gave the signal, the boyes had to climb the wall to the first location while their partners had to load a marker in their slingshots and shoot it at them. When either male player caught it, he had to place it on the colonies, climb to the next one, and wait for the next marker. The first team with one marker in each location or the team furthest along in 60 seconds won. Both teams failed to get to Windsor, so they tied with three marked colonies each, leading to a tie. Tiebreaker[]Olmec: "Did the Jamestown settlers come from France, England, or Finland?" Derrick correctly answered "England", sending him and Whitney to Olmec's Temple in search of the lost love letter.
Temple RunDerrick went into the temple first, moving at a moderate pace. Starting by entering The Ledges, and quickly crawling through the cavern and entering into The Pit of Despair after opening up the lower crawl tube. Deciding to stay low, Derrick decides to enter into The Throne Room where he encounters the first temple guard who was already waiting for him on the other side of the rotating wall. After giving up his pendant, Derrick got a bit confused on where to go. He tried to see if he could enter The Swamp, but he couldn't, so he instead decides to climb up to Medusa's Lair. But before he was able to put in the first snake into Medusa's head, the second temple guard jumps out from the door behind him and captures Derrick. Thus, removing him from the temple with 2:13 left on the clock.
Kirk then revealed that the half pendant was on an inactive actuator in The King's Storeroom at the end of the run, and Whitney's passing-up of the half pendant cost them dearly.
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The Lost Love Letter of Captain John Smith