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The Lost Taj Mahal Turban of Aurangzeb
Lost Taj Mahal Turban of Aurangzeb
The turban on the camera-left pedestal.

Production Number

3-31 (111)


August 14, 1995


Green Monkeys


Dean & Chrystine

Artifact Location

The Room of the Secret Password

Pendants of Life

Temple Layout


Previous Episode

The Much-Heralded Helmet of Sir Gawain (Broadcast Order)
The Mummified Hand of the Egyptian King (Production Order)

Next Episode

The Lost Whale Bone of Pytheas (Broadcast Order)
The Melted Head of Madame Tussaud (Production Order)

The Taj Mahal Turban of Aurangzeb is the 111th episode of Legends of the Hidden Temple. It was the 108th episode to be aired.

Moat Crossing

Lost Taj Mahal Turban of Aurangzeb Moat Crossing

For this Moat, both players from each team crossed the water simultaneously on a large lily pad and using vines strung from above for guidance, while not falling in the water, missing a vine, or touching the lily pad with their knees.

Moat Results
Finish Team Time
1st Purple Parrots 0:18
2nd Orange Iguanas 0:24
3rd Blue Barracudas 0:25
4th Green Monkeys 0:28

Steps of Knowledge

One of the most fearful Emperors of them all was the Indian emperor Aurangzeb. He did away with two brothers so he could become heir, then locked his father up for fifteen years. Legend has it that the one soft spot he had was for the Taj Mahal, which his father had built for Aurangzeb's mother. He had it embroidered on his favorite turban, which he wore every day. One morning, the guards found Aurangzeb tossing everything around the room.

"Guard, who has stolen my favorite turban?!"

"I don't know, boss, I haven't seen it."

Evil Grand Vizier Needmorupees

Just then, the evil Grand Vizir, Needmorupees appeared.

"Your Highness, it's just a turban. You'll have another one made."

"No, I want MY Taj Mahal turban!"

Just then, a young woman appeared at the door.

"Who dares disturb his Highness?"

Irene of Jeannie

"I'm Irene of Jeannie C.P.A., Your Highness' Chief Personal Accountant. Your greedy grand vizir has stolen your turban to sell to a rich collector. It's just one of your belongings he's been selling."

"Your Highness, how can you believe this silly girl?"

"Be still, liar. Take him away!"

"Come on, you!"

Irene became the new Grand Vizir, and the Taj Mahal turban was restored to Aurangzeb. Years later, it found its way to the Temple.

Steps of Knowledge Results
Question Choices Response
Was Aurangzeb the Indian...?
  • Grand vizier
  • Emperor
​Purple Parrots (Correct - 2 steps left)
Did Aurangzeb do away with...?
  • Two brothers
​Blue Barracudas (Correct - 2 steps left)
Who did Aurangzeb imprison?
  • His father
​Green Monkeys (Correct - 2 steps left)
For how long did he imprison his father?
  • 15 years
​Blue Barracudas (Correct - 1 step left)
According to legend, did Aurangzeb have a soft spot for the...?
  • Taj Mahal
​Orange Iguanas (Correct - 2 steps left)
Which relative built the Taj Mahal?
  • ​Father
​Purple Parrots (Correct - 1 step left)
Did Aurangzeb's father build the Taj Mahal in honor of...?
  • Mother
​Orange Iguanas (Correct - 1 step left)
The Taj Mahal is located in which country?
  • ​India
​Purple Parrots ​(Correct - Advanced to the Temple Games)
What color is the Taj Mahal?
  • Black
  • Blue
  • White
​Green Monkeys (Correct - 1 step left)
Was Needmorupees the...?
  • Father
  • Grand vizier
  • Accountant
​Green Monkeys ​(Correct- Advanced to the Temple Games)

Temple Games

The Green Monkeys are Chrystine, who plays football and wants to write her own novel, and Dean, who enjoys baseball and wants to be an architect. The Purple Parrots are Jennifer, who likes writing and wants to be a pediatrician, and Chad, who plays baseball and even wants to have his own team one day.

​Plucking Off the Guards (Rolling Foam Boulders)[]

The evil Grand Vizier Needmorupees threatened to knock off a guard a day until Aurangzeb's turban was found, but Irene of Jeannie defended them; here, like Irene, Chad and Dean would now defend the royal guard. When Kirk gave the signal, the boys would push one of the two boulders and knock out a guard while staying in their designated zone, and whoever got all four guards down within 60 seconds would win; Chad took an early lead and, despite Dean's best efforts to make a comeback towards the end, won 2-1, awarding the Purple Parrots a half Pendant.

Find the Emperor's Turban (Swinging Foam Boulders)[]

Find the Emperor's Turban Temple Game

When Aurangzeb's turban was missing, he had the entire palace searching for it. The guards brought back four turbans, unsure which, if any, was the correct one. Before Chrystine and Jennifer were those four turbans, with the threat of punishment by Aurangzeb hanging over them; when Kirk gave the signal, both girls would run out to get the first turban while dodging the wrecking ball, and whoever got all four turbans within 60 seconds would win. At first, the girls were even, but Jennifer got hit more throughout the last two-thirds of the game; as a result, Chrystine won 4-2, tying the score a half Pendant apiece.

Taj Mahal Quarry (Boulders and Chutes)[]

Aurangzeb's father built the Taj Mahal out of white marble cutting all the stone from a nearby quarry; now, the teams had to carry boulders from the quarry for the cutting. When Kirk gave the signal, Dean and Jennifer would toss the boulder onto the overhead chute, and when it rolled to the opposite side, Chad and Chrystine would catch it and place it in the bin; whoever got the most boulders passed within 60 seconds would win. The Green Monkeys won 8-3 (Kirk jokingly referred to them as the "quarrymen"), sending them to Olmec's Temple with 1½ pendants.

Temple Games Results
Team Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Results
Green Monkeys Lost Won Won 1½ pendants
Purple Parrots Won Lost Lost ½ pendant

Temple Run

Dean headed into the temple first, moving at a moderately fast pace. He starts off by heading up into The Crypt where he pulled on all three books from the skeletons in order to access The Pit of the Pendulum. Once there, Dean decides to do perform an interesting tactic by standing on the rope swing rather than sitting on it. This unfortunately cause a slight trouble for Dean as he wasn't able to knock down the column until his second try. After completing the objective, Dean was unable to make it back to the platform and was forced to climb back up. Once he was back up, he decides to head into The Chamber of the Sacred Markers. In the room, Dean had a slight difficulty completing the objective as he didn't know where the first symbol did was meant to be. But once he figured it out, Dean places the other two symbols without any issues.
Lost Taj Mahal Turban of Aurangzeb First Temple Guard
Upon finishing the objective, Dean met the first temple guard who was hiding in the passageway to The King's Storeroom and had to give up his pendant of life. While most temple guards would scare the contestants and leave, the temple guard actually advised him to go up, after noticing Dean not knowing where to go to next. Listening to the guard's advice, Dean heads up into The King's Storeroom and finds the key in the second clay pot he smashes. Then using it on the same pedestal that had the pot that contained the key, Dean unlocks the door to The Room of the Ancient Warriors and heads there next. In the room, Dean ends up trying two of the armors, with the middle one being the correct armor that allowed him access into The Shrine of the Silver Monkey. But just as Dean placed the base onto the pedestal, he was caught by the second temple guard with a 1:07 remaining. Thus, removing him from the temple. Chrystine then went to the temple to quickly retrace Dean's footsteps. Moving at a similar pace as her partner, Chrystine had a good map of the temple in her head and did not hesitate while moving throughout the rooms of the temple.
Lost Taj Mahal Turban of Aurangzeb Half Pendant

While checking if the door to The King's Storeroom was open, Chrystine fails to notice the half pendant.

However, on her way to the Shrine, Chrystine failed to notice the half Pendant hanging above the door to the chamber and next to The King's Storeroom while she was looking to see if she can take The King's Storeroom path instead. Kirk predicted that could end up costing them. But regardless, Chrystine continued onwards and entered the Shrine with 34 seconds left on the clock. There she assembled the monkey at a good pace and can move on to the next room. But unfortunately for Chrystine, she was forced to go down into The Quicksand Bog in order to get to The Room of the Secret Password as the door did not open from The Shrine of the Silver Monkey. Kirk's prediction was also proven right because as Chrystine was about to climb up the slide, the final temple guard emerged from the rubble with 13 seconds left and captures her. Ending the run with a triple seizure and being one room away from the Lost Taj Mahal Turban.

While both members moved at a good pace, it was proven that their triple seizure was unavoidable and getting the other half pendant was mandatory rather than optional. And even if the half pendant was grabbed, it would have been very close for Chrystine to getting the turban on time. In the end, this was the slowest triple seizure to ever occur within the show's history. But it was also the last one for both the Green Monkeys and for the show in general.

Temple Run Results
Victory No
Grabbed the Artifact No
Reached the Artifact's Room No
Method of Loss Triple Seizure (0:13 left)
Temple Guard Locations The Chamber of the Sacred Markers
The Shrine of the Silver Monkey
The Quicksand Bog
Half Pendant Location The Pit of the Pendulum

Prize Plugs

  • Original Plugs
    • Moat Crossing: $50 Savings Bond for Melody Pops
    • Steps of Knowledge: Moon Shoes by Hart Enterprises
    • Temple Games: Looney Tunes B-Ball for SNES
  • Alternate Version (Fall 1995)
    • Moat Crossing: $50 Savings Bond from Jazzy Jewelry
    • Steps of Knowledge: Godzilla: King of the Monsters & Starcastle
    • Temple Games: BK Ratch-Tech
  • Alternate Version (Nick GaS)
    • Moat Crossing: $50 Savings Bond for Koosh Lings
    • Steps of Knowledge: Electronic Hot Shot Basketball from Milton Bradley
    • Temple Games: Stay Tooned! from Sierra

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