Legends of the Hidden Temple Wiki
  • This is the last episode to make use of Temple Layout IV as well as the last appearance of the Wall Climb.
  • This is the only episode where contestants must retrieve an artifact placed in the Room of Harmonic Convergence.
    • This was also the second and last episode in Season 1 an artifact was featured in the bottom of the central shaft.
  • This episode featured the first time that the Blue Barracudas and the Purple Parrots competed against each other in the Temple Games.
  • This is the first episode where a team of Blue Barracudas competed in the Temple Run and the female contestant goes into Olmec's Temple first.
  • This is the first episode where a Temple Guard is encountered in the Room of the Three Gargoyles and thus the first encountered in the upper entrance room in general.
  • This is the first of the two episodes that have been confirmed to feature a half pendant in a room not adjacent to one with a Temple Guard, the other being The Bifocal Monocle of One-Eyed Jack.
  • Kristin brought out the key from the Tomb of the Ancient Kings.
  • This is the first episode where a contestant is removed from the Swamp and the first time a Temple Guard removes a contestant from that particular roomspace.
  • This is the first episode where a team of Blue Barracudas lost the Temple Run as a result of running out of time.
  • Scott and Kristin along with the Orange Iguanas from this episode previously competed in The Moccasins of Geronimo, with the former competing as the Red Jaguars and the latter as the same team.
  • Brad and Annie along with the Red Jaguars from this episode, previously competed in The Lost Logbooks of Magellan, with both of them wearing the same team colors.
  • Scott and Kristin were both interviewed about their time on the show in September 19, 1993 issue of the St. Petersburg Times (Tampa Bay Times) newspaper. The interview can be found on Newspapers.com.
  • This is the only Solo Run in LOTHT history to have a second Temple Guard encounter.