Moat CrossingIn this Moat, Hanging above it is a ancient rope wall. The contestants must climb across. If one player falls into the water, both must start over. When both players crossed the wall and both players' feet touch the ground, they can run over and ring the gong.
Steps of KnowledgeOne of the most powerful rulers of the ancient world was Xerxes. As Persian emperor in 480 B.C., he launched one of history's largest invasions against Greece. Nothing could stop him. He built a canal two miles overland so his fleet wouldn't have to sail around a dangerous reef, and to cross the fast-flowing Hellespont, he built a floating bridge. But when the bridge was finished, a huge storm arose, and it destroyed it. Xerxes shook his fist at the boiling sky. "You won't get away with this! As soon as the storm stops, I want that water whipped!" The next day, Xerxes' men lashed the unruly water 300 times. And with each stroke the commander cried: "Oh, bitter water, this punishment is for disobeying our master! Don't do it again!" To prove his dominance over the water, Xerxes built another bridge. This time the Persians tied together ships and built a road across them. From his marble throne on a cliff top, Xerxes watched his men cross. But the outnumbered Greeks lured the Persians into a trap and smashed them. Legend has it, Xerxes fled so fast, he left his marble throne. Only one armrest survives, which found its way to the Temple.
Temple GamesThe Purple Parrots are Candace, who collects erasers and plays softball and the saxophone, and Levi, who is a comic collector and owns five hamsters. The Green Monkeys are Noelle, who collects rocks, seashells, and has a horse by the name of Wildfire, and Pat, who likes soccer, track, and collects basketball cards. Hellespont Crossing (Sinking Steps)[]When Xerxes built the new bridge, he roped all the ships together so the soldiers could easily cross the Hellespont; here, Candace and Noelle would cross a series of masts over the Hellespont to the other side. When Kirk gave the signal, each girl would step onto a ship, hoping it wouldn't sink and make them restart, then continue; whoever reached the other side first, or was furthest along within 60 seconds would win. This was a close match, but Noelle won by reaching the seventh step, awarding the Green Monkeys a half Pendant (Candace was one step behind). Against the Greeks (Trampoline/Rock Basketball)[]In the Greek siege, they vanquished the Persians, but it's a level playing field here; when Kirk gave the signal, Levi and Pat each had to hurl rocks over the net on each others' sides. Shots could be blocked by either player, but Levi could only shoot his red blocks, and Pat could only shoot his dark blue blocks. Whoever scored the most within 60 seconds would win; Pat ran out of rocks prematurely, giving Levi the slight edge to win 7-6, tying both teams with a half Pendant apiece. Clearing the Canal (Boulders and Chutes)[]To dig the canal, Xerxes had teams of workers going day and night to clear boulders; when Kirk gave the signal, the boys would toss a boulder onto the overhead chute— when it rolled off the opposite side, the girls would catch it and whoever passed along the most boulders within 60 seconds would win. Both throwers struggled throughout the game, but both teams surprisingly tied with 2 boulders each, leading to the Tiebreaker. Tiebreaker[]Olmec: "What was Xerxes' throne made of: The bones of Greeks, marble, or driftwood?" After a slight stumble, Noelle rang in first and correctly answered Marble, sending her and Pat to the Temple.
Temple RunNoelle went into the temple first, moving at a rather headed slow pace. She started off by heading up into The Crypt but headed into The Ledges after pulling only one book from the skeletons. Picking up the pace a bit, Noelle tries to unlock the upper crawl tube but has a bit of trouble. And at first, it seemed she would try the lower crawl tube since she went down a level. But Noelle gave the upper crawl tube another goes, and successfully unlocks the door to The Pit of the Pendulum. Once there, Noelle carefully maneuvers around the platforms and grabs the rope swing. Unfortunately, while attempting to sit down, Noelle slides off the rope swing and into the bottom of the pit. Because of this, she would have to climb back up the platforms and try again. But Noelle realized that instead of losing time by climbing the wall climb, she decided to head over to the column and knock it over with her hands. Now with that done, Noelle heads into The Tomb of the Headless Kings but ends up encountering the first temple guard just as she entered the room. After she gives up her pendant, Noelle continues with her search for the skull. Luckily, she already pulled on two of the ropes by the time she was caught by the first guard, and it just so happen that the skull was released from the ceiling, so Noelle didn't have to search for that long. However, she had to try the skull on both kings just so she can continue onwards into The Jester's Court. (The left one being the right one). In there, Noelle was able to find the other half of Pat's pendant and signals him with a small wave on where it is. (While it's hard to tell where it is, but it could have been hanging on one of the buttons on the middle wall painting). After trying all three paintings and having to try the middle one again for a second time, Noelle was able to unlock the door to The Dark Forest. Once there, she tries to find the key within either of the trees, but comes up unsuccessful, so Noelle had to plow through The Stone Wall and enter The Quicksand Bog instead. But as soon as Noelle entered the room, the second temple guard emerged from the rubble and captures her with 1:02 left on the clock. Thus, removing her from the temple.
This path proved to be a tough layout as Pat and Noelle seemingly had to go through every room in order to get to the marble armrest. Regardless of if they both moved faster, it seemed that the producers were definitely going to make the two of them work hard to get to The Chamber of the Sacred Markers on time. However, it was most likely for the best as the third and final temple guard was in The Room of the Ancient Warriors and it would have resulted in a heartbreaking lost if either of the two ended up in that room without obtaining the other half of the pendant. Regardless, the two did a great job navigating the temple and completing the objectives without many issues.
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The Marble Armrest of Xerxes