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The Missing Weather Maps of Charles Lindbergh
Missing Weather Maps of Charles Lindbergh
The weather maps stuck to the camera-right tree.

Production Number

2-36 (76)


August 26, 1994


Red Jaguars


Nick & Kim

Artifact Location

The Dark Forest

Pendants of Life


Temple Layout


Previous Episode

The Stone Head of the Evil King (Broadcast Order)
The Milk Bucket of Freydís (Production Order)

Next Episode

The Missing Eye of David (Broadcast Order)
The Levitating Dog Leash of Nostradamus (Production Order)

The Missing Weather Maps of Charles Lindbergh is the 76th episode of Legends of the Hidden Temple. It was the 70th episode to be aired.

Moat Crossing

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The moat design was interesting; the players each had a stack of floating rings they could stand on as they hung from a rod and climbed hand over hand across the moat, but they did not actually need to use the floating rings, they could go on without them and not be sent back. The Green Monkeys, Orange Iguanas, Red Jaguars, and Purple Parrots were the first four teams to make it across in that order.

Moat Results
Finish Team Time
1st Green Monkeys 0:26
2nd Orange Iguanas 0:29
3rd Red Jaguars 0:30
4th Purple Parrots 0:31

Steps of Knowledge

One of the most famous pilots of the early 20th century was Charles Lindbergh. In 1927, Lindbergh attempted the first solo flight from New York to Paris. He built a new plane and named it "The Spirit of St. Louis." Legend has it that just before takeoff, a young weatherman gave Lindbergh charts for his journey.

Spirit of St

"I hope they're correct," he told him.

"If they're not," said Lindbergh, "I won't be back to complain."

Lindbergh flew alone for 33½ hours. Once, he fell asleep at the controls. When he woke up, he drifted off course. Sheets of ice had formed on the wings, which might have snapped off and made him crash. But the wings held, and hours later, "Lucky Lindy" as he came to be called, found his way to the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Thousands of people turned out to see him, and he became famous. Lindbergh donated his plane to the Smithsonian Museum, but the young weatherman's charts were lost in Paris.

Steps of Knowledge Results
Question Answers Team
Was Lindbergh the first to fly alone nonstop across…?
  • The Arctic Ocean
  • The Atlantic Ocean
  • The Pacific Ocean
Orange Iguanas (Correct -2 steps left)
Which of these was the name of Lindbergh's plane?
  • The Concord
  • The Spirit of St. Louis
Green Monkeys (Correct - 2 steps left)
In his early days, Lindbergh flew in local airshows around the country. Were men like him called…?
  • Barnstormers
  • Stormtroopers
  • Draft Dodgers
Green Monkeys (Wrong Answer)
Orange Iguanas (Correct - 1 steps left)
Which of these daring feats did Lindbergh accomplish in his barnstorming days?
  • Hang Gliding
  • Wing Walking
  • Bungee Jumping
Red Jaguars (Correct - 2 steps left)
How long was Lindbergh's flight across the Atlantic?
  • 33½ Hours
Red Jaguars (Correct - 1 step left)
Which of these is the term for flying alone?
  • Solo
  • Duet
Orange Iguanas (Correct - Advanced to Temple Games)
Which of these is another term for an airplane pilot?
  • Aerodrome
  • Astronaut
  • Aviator
Green Monkeys (Correct - 1 step left)
Did Lindbergh cross the Atlantic in…?
  • 1903
  • 1927
Red Jaguars (Correct - Advanced to Temple Games)

Temple Games

The Orange Iguanas are David and Kim. The Red Jaguars are Kim and Nick.

Propellers (Olmec Wheels)[]

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In the early days of aviation, people spun the propeller to start the engine. The two Kims had to spin the Olmec wheels in front of them representing propellers and keep them spinning for as long as possible. When Kirk gave the signal, they had to climb on their Olmec wheels and adjust their weight to make them spin. For each full clockwise rotation a player made, she scored a point. If either player fell off, the spotters would stop the wheel so she can climb back on and start spinning again. The player who spun her wheel the most in 60 seconds won. The Red Jaguar beat the Orange Iguana 15-9, awarding the Red Jaguar a half pendant of life.

Spirit of St. Louis (Bungee)[]

Spirit of St

Charles Lindbergh named his plane the Spirit of St. Louis. Before Nick and David were were two boards, one with the word Spirit and the other with St. Louis. When Kirk gave the signal, they had to run to the first board, grab the first piece of the name, and place it on the plane. Then, they had to run back and do it again. They also had to do the same with the next board. The player to completely spell out the name of Lindbergh's plane or the player furthest along in 60 seconds won. Nick completely spelled out Spirit of St. Louis with sixteen seconds of spare time just before David could, awarding Nick a half pendant of life.

Air Mail (Tilt Swing)[]

One important early use of the airplane was to deliver mail. Each player was on wing of their team's plane. Beside each team stood a mail drop with bags of mail with a bin on the opposite side. When Kirk gave the signal, each player had to run around, grab a mail sack and drop it into his/her team's bin. Meanwhile, his/her partner would be doing the same. The team with the most mail sacks in their team's bin in 60 seconds won. The Red Jaguars dropped ten mail sacks in their bin, awarding them a full pendant of life, sending them to Olmec's Temple with two full pendants. The Orange Iguanas only managed to drop eight in their bin.

Temple Games Results
Team Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Pendants Won
Red Jaguars Won Won Won 2 Pendants
Orange Iguanas Lost Lost Lost 0 Pendants

Temple Run

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Nick went into the temple first, moving at a very fast pace. Choosing to enter into The Ledges, he quickly tries to crawl into The Pit, but was grabbed by the first temple guard. Quickly forking over his pendant of life, Nick discovers that none of the doors in The Ledges would open, so he was forced to climb up into The Crypt. In there, Nick had to pull all three skeletons to continue his journey into the temple and into The Pit. Thinking on his feet, Nick quickly jumped down and opened up the door into The Laser Light Room where he swiftly pulled every block to reveal the white light. (Even though the fourth block he pulled was the one that had the white light, he still pulled off everything anyways). Then moving into The Jester's Court, Nick got lucky, as he was able to unlock the door into The King's Storeroom and proceeds to climb up the ladder. But unfortunately, his journey into the temple had ended there because just when Nick smashed the first pot in The King's Storeroom, the second temple guard captured him, and he was then taken out of the temple with 1:56 left on the clock.

Kim then went into the temple to retrace where Nick left off. While she moved at a decently fast pace, she almost nearly tried to head up into The Room of the Mandarin Hand while she was in The Laser Light Room. But after Kirk told her The Jester's Court was opened, Kim continued onwards into The Jester's Court, and then up into The King's Storeroom. Unfortunately, Kim was a bit confused on what to do, and she tried to open the door into The Shrine of the Silver Monkey, after a few seconds of stalling she finally smashed the other two pots. However, Kim didn't see the key fall out of the third pot and search the floor to find it, eventually she saw it and was able to unlock some of the doors. Unfortunately, this is where the chance of victory was sadly killed for Kim and Nick, as Kim noticed that the door leading to The Observatory was opened and proceeded to head up into the room! But once she realized she made a wrong turn, Kim walked back down and strangely tried to use the key on the other pedestals. Kirk had to remind her again that the door to The Shrine of the Silver Monkey was already open to which Kim finally rushed into the room to assemble the monkey. Upon entering the room, Kim encountered the third and final temple guard, causing her to scream in fright. After forking over her pendant, she ended up grabbing the middle piece first before the base. And by the time she grabbed the base, Kim got confused on how to assemble the monkey and ended up putting the monkey on backwards! Eventually, Kim realizes her mistake and proceeds to finish the rest of the monkey with ease. But after finishing the object, Kim made another wrong turn by running into The Room of the Secret Password, and almost nearly went down the elevator till she realized the door leading to The Dark Forest was opened. But by the time Kim turned around and started climbing down the ladder, it was unfortunately too late. And thus, the weather maps will be long forgotten.

The layout was shown to be fairly easy, but two wrong turns cost the Red Jaguars their week at U.S. Space Camp.

Temple Run Results
Victory No
Grabbed the Artifact No (but nearly)
Reached the Artifact's Room Yes
Method of Loss Failed Acquisition
Temple Guard Locations The Ledges
The King's Storeroom
The Shrine of the Silver Monkey

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