Legends of the Hidden Temple Wiki
Legends of the Hidden Temple Wiki

  • The original prize plugs for this episode are as follows:
    • Hershey's Syrup and Chocolate Milk Mix (Moat Crossing)
    • Fashion Bug (Steps of Knowledge)
    • Sports Works from Software Marketing Corporation (Temple Games)
  • This is the first of two episodes where a team of Blue Barracudas attempted to retrieve an artifact placed in the top corner of Olmec's Temple. The second was The Silk Sash of Mulan.
  • This episode marks the first time that a contestant uses the door between the Treasure Room and the Swamp before it was removed in Season 3 and the only time in Season 1 that this occurs.
    • Mitchell was the only contestant to use the treasure chest in the Treasure Room to enter the Swamp.
  • This is the only episode where a team of Blue Barracudas competed in the Temple Run with 1½ pendants and was able to grab the artifact before time expired.
  • This is the first episode where a male player performs a Solo Run.
  • This is the first of four episodes where a contestant is able to bring the artifact out with over one minute remaining. This is would be followed by The Mask of Shaka Zulu, The Ivory Hunting Horn of Roland, and The Ruby Earring of Benzavov.
    • With 1:06 remaining when Mitchell crossed the Temple Gates, this is the fastest win by a team of Blue Barracudas in the whole series.
  • The Red Jaguars and Orange Iguanas later appeared in The Lucky Pot-Bellied Pig of Amelia Earhart, with the latter as the Blue Barracudas and the former as wearing the same color.
  • This is one of if not the only episode in LOHT history where a contestant tries to do an objective after grabbing onto the artifact, despite the fact that all the doors are open.
  • The audience is slightly heard laughing when William answers one of the questions incorrectly.