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The Royal Torque of Queen Boadicea
Royal Torque of Queen Boadicea
The torque on the camera-right king's lap.

Production Number

3-22 (102)


July 17, 1995


Red Jaguars


Lissy & Nate

Artifact Location

The Tomb of the Headless Kings

Pendants of Life


Temple Layout


Previous Episode

The Ivory Hunting Horn of Roland (Production Order)
The Mummified Hand of the Egyptian King (Broadcast Order)

Next Episode

The Lost Hornpipe of the Pirate Captain (Production Order)
The Useless Map of the Chibcha Chieftain (Broadcast Order)

The Royal Torque of Queen Boadicea is the 102nd episode of Legends of the Hidden Temple. It was the 91st episode to be aired.

Moat Crossing

Royal Torque of Queen Boadicea Moat Crossing

Players from each team must individually run and dive onto a long plank with enough speed to reach a rope toward its end which they can use to pull themselves in. If any player stops without being able to reach the rope, falls into the water, or touches the side, he or she is sent back to try again.

Moat Results
​Finish ​Team ​Time
1st Silver Snakes 0:22
2nd Red Jaguars 0:23
3rd Purple Parrots 0:28
4th Green Monkeys 0:52

Steps of Knowledge

One of the most courageous leaders of Ancient Britain was Boadicea, Queen of the Iceni. For a time, the Iceni were under Roman Rule, and their governor, Suetonius was a harsh ruler. One day, Boadicea could stand no more. She put on her royal torque, a golden necklace and gathered the Iceni together.

"Reverend, the Romans have mistreated us long enough! Let us take up arms and drive them out of our land forever!"

"Yes, down with the Romans!"

"All hail Queen Boadicea!"

"Yeah, hail…what he just said."

The people cheered and took up their arms. The marched toward London, others joined them along the way. By the time they reached the city, they were a huge army, and at their head rode Boadicea in her chariot with her long blonde hair flying. They drove the Romans from the city and burned it to the ground. Boadicea became Queen of all of the Britains. Legend has it that during the battle, the Royal Torque of the Iceni was torn from Boadicea's neck and vanished. Some say it was found by a faithful tribesman who kept it for years before bringing it to the Temple. 

Steps of Knowledge Results
Question Answers Team
Was Boadicea queen of...?
  • Iceni
  • Druids
  • Romans
​Red Jaguars ​(Correct - 2 steps left)
Did the Iceni live in...?
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • Great Britain
​Green Monkeys ​(Correct - 2 steps left)
In the legend, what nation invaded Britain?
  • Rome
​Purple Parrots ​(Correct - 2 steps left)
Was the name of the Roman governor?
  • Suetonius
​Green Monkeys (Correct - 1 step left)
Is a torque a...?
  • A piece of armor
  • A golden necklace
​Silver Snakes ​(Correct - 2 steps left)
Did the royal torque symbolize Boadicea's right...?
  • To rule
  • To bear arms
​Green Monkeys ​(Correct - Advanced to the Temple Games)
Did Boadicea's army march to...?
  • London
​Red Jaguars ​(Correct- 1 step left)
Did Boadicea lead her troops to London on...?
  • A white horse
  • A chariot
​Red Jaguars ​(Correct- Advanced to the Temple Games)

Temple Games

The Red Jaguars are Lissy, who wants to be a film director and runs cross-country, and Nate, who plays soccer and enjoys language arts. The Green Monkeys are Jeannie, who wants to be a pro golfer and enjoys studying math, and Chris, who wants to be an Olympic swimmer and also enjoys studying math.

London Destruction (Boulders)[]

Led by Boadicea, the Britains destroyed the Roman city of London. Like them, teams are about to face off. Behind each team stood the towers of their city and between them were giant boulders which ancient armies used to destroy towns. When Kirk gave the signal, Nate and Chris each had to push their boulders to knock down their opponent's towers. Nate won 3-0.

March to London (Olmec Wheels)[]

Boadicea's army marched day and night and swept into London like a fierce wind driving the Romans before them. Even the teams are going to march to London. When Kirk gave the signal, Lissy and Jeannie each had to climb onto the wheel before them and adjusting their weight to make the wheel spin. Each time either of them rotates the marker on the wheel one whole time, it will represent one more mile they have traveled toward London. If either of them falls off, the wheel will stop and they will get back on and start spinning again. The team who marched the most miles won. Lissy won 10-8.

Wall Reinforcement (Bungees and Chutes)[]

In preparation for Boadicea's attack, the Romans gathered huge piles of boulders to reinforce the walls of the city. Before each team were a pile of boulders, which have removed the city wall. When Kirk gave the signal, each player had to grab a boulder and throw it onto the chute above them. When it rolls off the other side, the second player had to catch the boulder without it hitting the ground and place it into the bin and then go on to the next one. The team with most boulders in their bin won. The Red Jaguars won 4-0.

Temple Games Results
Team ​Game 1 ​Game 2 Game 3 Pendants Won
Red Jaguars Won Won Won ​2 Pendants
​Green Monkeys Lost Lost Lost 0 Pendants

Temple Run

Royal Torque of Queen Boadicea Second Temple Guard

Lissy went into the temple first, moving at a fast pace. She started off by heading up into The Crypt but was caught by the first temple guard before she could do anything within the room. After giving up her pendant of life, Lissy got to work on completing the objective. When she pulled the first book, the door to The Pit of the Pendulum did not open. And after looking around for a few seconds, Lissy pulled the other two books and managed to unlock the door this time and proceeds into The Pit of the Pendulum. Making a leap of faith onto the rope swing and knocking down the column, Lissy managed to open the door to The Chamber of the Sacred Markers. Though immediately after knocking the column down, Lissy slid off the rope swing and was forced to climb up The Wall Climb. (Which took her a bit as she had a bit of a hard time getting her footing onto the holes). Once she was back onto the platform, Lissy heads into The Chamber of the Sacred Markers and makes a smart move by grabbing all three markers at the same time before placing them on the wall. Unfortunately, upon completing the objective, Lissy encounters the second temple guard when the central door opened up, which made Lissy jump back in fright, and she was then taken out of the temple with 1:54 left on the clock.

Now it is Nate's turn to try his luck. Just with Lissy, he was also a fast runner and had a good map of the temple in his head. Going through the same path as his partner, Nate decides to head up into The King's Storeroom after taking notice that the door to The Tomb of the Headless Kings didn't open up. In there, Nate was not so lucky as it took all three pots to smash in order to find the key, and with the icing on top, it took all three pedestals just for him to advance into The Room of the Ancient Warriors. Now moving on, Nate first tries the armor on the right, but it doesn't work. After trying the middle armor, (the second one he tried), he was able to unlock the door to The Shrine of the Silver Monkey and heads into their next. But once Nate placed the base onto the pedestal, the third and final temple guard captures him, but it didn't faze him that much. After giving up his pendant, Nate continues with the objective and completes the rest of the monkey statue at a fast pace. (16 seconds in total). Luckily, the door to The Dark Forest opened up, so Nate decides to head down there next. (Smart move). Quickly searching through the trees for the key, Nate was able to find it within the tree on the right, and uses to open up the door to The Jester's Court. In there, Nate only had to try two of the wall paintings (with the middle one being the correct one), and advances into The Tomb of the Ancient Kings. And with 14 seconds left, Nate grabs the royal torque from the king on the right. Now the only thing left is for him to get out of the temple. But regardless of if he moved fast (which he did) or what choice he made, it's clear that only a lucky break has to occur in order for Nate to get out on time. While he did make a wise decision to climb up the ladder and re-enter The Chamber of the Sacred Markers before heading into The Pit of the Pendulum. Unfortunately, he would have needed more time just to get out, and time ran out just when Nate was on the middle step of the platform within The Pit of the Pendulum. Just a few feet away from the temple gates.

Both Lissy and Nate were strong players and knew exactly what to do in order to get the job done. But it's a known fact that when an artifact is placed in the lower room of the central shaft, the team would be required to work extra hard just to get to the artifact on time. So, while the two did not make any mistakes during their run, but had a little bit of luck have been on their side, the two would have most likely been able to win the temple run. Regardless, they still did an amazing job and should be proud that they are amongst the only three teams that managed to get the artifact within the lower central shaft room.

Temple Run Results
Victory No
Grabbed the Artifact Yes
Reached the Artifact's Room Yes
Method of Loss Failed Escape
Temple Guard Locations The Crypt
The Chamber of the Sacred Markers
The Shrine of the Silver Monkey

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