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The Silk Sash of Mulan
Silk Sash of Mulan
The silk sash on the camera-right pedestal.

Production Number

2-29 (69)


July 29, 1994


Blue Barracudas


Jessie & Stephen

Artifact Location

The Room of the Secret Password

Pendants of Life


Temple Layout


Previous Episode

The Ivory Elephant of Scheherazade (Broadcast Order)
The Two-Cornered Hat of Napoleon (Production Order)

Next Episode

The Crown of Queen Nzinga (Broadcast Order)
The Golden Goblet of Attila the Hun (Production Order)

The Silk Sash of Mulan is the 69th episode of Legends of the Hidden Temple. It was the 60th episode to be aired.

Moat Crossing

Silk Sash of Mulan Moat Crossing

In this Moat, teammates must cross the water one at a time by squirming through a series of rubber tubes.

Moat Results
Finish Team Time
1st Silver Snakes 0:54
2nd Purple Parrots 0:57
3rd Green Monkeys 1:01
4th Blue Barracudas 2:10

Steps of Knowledge

One of the most famous heroes of early China was the peasant girl Mulan, who, in the mid-500's, saved her father's life. For months, she farmed their land all by herself, as her father was too ill to work. One night, as she prepared her father's dinner, an Army officer knocked at the door.

"The Emperor has declared that all men must serve in the Imperial Army."

"But my father is very sick," said Mulan. "He can't work his own land, let alone fight."

"There are no exceptions. Anyone who does not report for duty will be punished."

"I must go," said Mulan's father. "…or they will take away our farm and we will be disgraced."

"No. If you go, you'll surely die. I shall go in your place."

So Mulan dressed herself as a man and reported for duty. She served twelve years, and when she was released, she revealed her secret. Word of her self-sacrifice spread quickly all through China. The Emperor himself sent her a special silk sash in honor of her deed.

Steps of Knowledge Results
Question Answers Team
Was Mulan from…?
  • Korea
  • China
  • Japan
Purple Parrots (Correct - 2 steps left)
Was Mulan…?
  • A Princess
  • A Chorus Girl
  • A Peasant
Green Monkeys (Correct - 2 steps left)
Did Mulan join the army in place of…?
  • Her Father
Blue Barracudas (Correct - 2 steps left)
How long did Mulan serve in the army?
  • 12 Years
Blue Barracudas (Correct - 1 step left)
According to our legend, was Mulan presented with a silk sash by…?
  • The Emperor
Green Monkeys (Correct - 1 step left)
Mulan was distracted because the barbarians were invading from the north. Could they have been…?
  • Vikings
  • Mongols
  • Vandals
Green Monkeys (Correct - Advanced to Temple Games)
Which of these was a great Mongol leader who conquered China?
  • Genghis Khan
  • Attila the Hun
  • Charlemagne
Silver Snakes (Correct - 2 steps left)
Which of these colorful rivers flows through China?
  • The Red River
  • The Yellow River
  • The Rainbow Rapids
Blue Barracudas (Correct - Advanced to Temple Games)

Temple Games

The Blue Barracudas are Jessie and Stephen. The Green Monkeys are Jessica and Timothy.

Twelve Years in the Army (Olmec Wheels)[]

Twelve Years in the Army Temple Game

Mulan spent twelve years in the army of the Chinese emperor. Before each player stood an ancient calendar wheel. When Kirk gave the signal, Jessie and Timothy each had to climb up onto the wheel and adjust their weight to make it spin. For every full rotation either player made, they scored a point representing one year of Múlàn's service. If either player fell off, the spotters would stop the wheel, then they would remount the wheel and start spinning again. The player to spin the wheel a dozen times or the player with the most full rotations in 60 seconds won. Jessie won the game and the half pendant over by competing ten rotations while Timothy only completed nine.

Mane Braiding (Squirting Statue)[]

Mulan was such a good soldier that she eventually was made a general, and she rode out to inspect her troops on a beautiful, spirited horse with ribbons braided into its mane. Before each player was the horse of Mulan. When Kirk gave the signal, Stephen and Jessica each had to shinny up the horse's backbone and place a ribboned braid along its neck. Being a high-spirited horse, it would snort at the players, so they had to hold on very tight. If either player touched the ground, they had to go back and start again. The player to place the most braids in 60 seconds won. Both players tied with two braids each, awarding each of them a half pendant of life.

Barbarian Hordes (Sack Swing)[]

Mulan became a great general who led the emperor's troops to victory over the invading Barbarian hordes. The teams had to defend China just like Mulan did by smashing the army in front of them. One player from each team was suspended in a sack. When Kirk gave the signal, the other player had to swing him/her at the statue of the enemy. The team to knock down all three of their statues or the team with the most enemy statues knocked down in 60 seconds won. The Blue Barracudas knocked down their second enemy statue at the last second, while the Green Monkeys only managed to knock down one, awarding the Blue Barracudas a full pendant of life, sending them to Olmec's Temple with two full pendants.

Temple Games Results
Team Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Pendants Won
Blue Barracudas Won Tied Won 2 Pendants
Green Monkeys Lost Tied Lost ½ Pendant

Temple Run

Jessie went first into the temple, moving at a good pace. She started off by heading up into The Crypt, and pulls one of the books from the skeletons. But just as Jessie was about to pull a second, she quickly noticed a temple guard who was about to confront her. Thinking fast, Jessie quickly tosses her pendant at the guard, to which after startling her, he goes after. After that, she proceeds to pull the third book from the skeleton and unlocks the door to The Pit. Choosing to then swing across to the other side, Jessie decides to then head into Medusa's Lair next. In there, Jessie puts the two snakes in no problem, (though she had to adjust it a bit after noticing that none of the doors opened), but the door to The King's Storeroom did not open, but the doors leading to The Observatory and The Laser Light Room did. So, go up or go down? Well, Jessie would be taken out in the next room either way. So, she decided that her fate would be heading up into The Observatory, and right on que, the fast moving second temple guard quickly grabs Jessie, leading her to yelp, and then proceeds to take her out of the temple with 1:54 left. Just before she could even start aligning the stone column.

Silk Sash of Mulan Third Temple Guard

Stephen went into the temple next, with just under two minutes left. Moving at a same pace as Jessie, he decided to head directly to The Observatory from The Pit in order to save time. (But spoilers, it will do the complete the opposite). With no temple guard in the way, Stephen starts to align the stone column. However, he had a bit of a tough time aligning it, as some of the sections were not in the proper position. Unfortunately, Stephen wasn't able to get the column aligned, but he does notice the already opened door to Medusa's Lair and proceeds to head down. (Sadly, wasting a good chunk of time). But upon arriving in Medusa's Lair, Stephen continued to waste more time by trying to open the doors to The King Storeroom and the weirdly enough, the opened door to The Pit. But eventually, Stephen does notice that the door to The Laser Light Room was opened and heads down there next. Now interesting enough, the third and final temple guard really took the right time to prep a good scare on Stephen. First, he hid behind the wall, then he slightly peeked out his head, and finally perfects it by charging at Stephen! And it worked, because Stephen was so startled by the temple guard, he threw some of the light covers at him! The aggressive guard motions for Stephen to give up his pendant, to which he spent a lot of time getting it off his wrist. Even Kirk shouted at him: "YOU GOTTA GIVE 'EM THE PENDANT! GIVE 'EM THE PENDANT!!" After finally giving the pendent, Stephen loses a bit of focus on what he had to do, but he eventually got the job done and can move on to The Jester's Court. In there, Stephen was able to complete the objective at a good pace, as the middle wall painting was the key to allow him to go on. But regardless, he was too little too late— because as he was climbing up the ladder to The King's Storeroom, time expired. Leaving him two rooms away from the Silk Sash in The Room of the Secret Password.

While both players ran at a good pace. But with the many wrong turns, hesitations, and confusions that occurred during the temple run had ultimately led the chance of getting the silk sash on time to diminish.

Temple Run Results
Victory No
Grabbed the Artifact No
Reached the Artifact's Room No
Method of Loss Failed Acquisition
Temple Guard Locations The Crypt
The Observatory
The Laser Light Room

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