The Swamp was a room in Olmec's Temple. The objective of this room is to wade through the packing peanuts representing murky swamp water to enter the Tomb of the Ancient Kings (Season 1), the Dark Forest (Season 2), the Throne Room (Seasons 1 & 2), the Room of Harmonic Convergence (Season 1), or the Laser Light Room (Season 2) or climb the hanging vine nets up to the Room of the Golden Idols (Season 1), the Treasure Room (Season 1), or the King's Storeroom (Season 2). Originally, the swamp was green (simply because that room space in Season 1 was always green), but then in Season 2, the swamp stayed the same but was recolored brown. A Temple Guard would hide under the packing peanuts and surprise the contestant. Trivia
The Swamp