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The War Fan of the 47 Rōnin
War Fan of the Forty-Seven Ronin
The war fan on a platform next to the Pharaoh's Secret Passage slide.

Production Number

3-03 (83)


July 11, 1995


Silver Snakes


Jeremy & Elise

Artifact Location

The Quicksand Bog

Pendants of Life


Temple Layout


Previous Episode

The Comet-Embroidered Battle Flag of William the Conqueror (Production Order)

Next Episode

The Much-Heralded Helmet of Sir Gawain (Production Order)
The Marble Armrest of Xerxes (Broadcast Order)

The War Fan of the 47 Rōnin is the 83rd episode of Legends of the Hidden Temple. It was the 87th episode to be aired.

Moat Crossing

In this Moat Crossing, players had to walk across these swinging platforms at the same time, and teams all did very well. The Blue Barracudas, Green Monkeys, Red Jaguars and Silver Snakes were the first four teams to hit their gongs.

Moat Results
Place Team Time
1st Blue Barracudas 0:20
2nd Green Monkeys 0:21
3rd Red Jaguars 0:23
4th Silver Snakes 0:24

Steps of Knowledge

Some of the boldest and most cunning warriors of Old Japan were the 47 Rōnin. As Lord Asano's bodyguards, they accompanied him to the Palace of the Shogun, the ruler of Japan, but somehow, the evil Lord Kira still managed to do away with Asano. Kobayashi, number one samurai, called the others together.

"Boys, we messed up big time...and you know what that means."

"We're unemployed?"

"That too, but now we are rōnin— outcasts; we must find a way to get even."

But Lord Kira was ready.

"Double the walls, triple my guards, cancel my dental appointment— the rōnin are on the warpath!"

For two years, Lord Kira waited for their attack, but the 47 Rōnin were secretly plotting their revenge. Finally, Kira relaxed.

"Those wimps, they'll never attack. Reduce the guard!"

The next night, the Rōnin crept across the snow. They fought valiantly through the guards and found Kira hiding in a bathroom. They did away with the evil lord, then surrendered to the Shogun. But instead of punishing them, he ordered their story be painted onto a war fan.

Steps of Knowledge Results
Question Answers Team
Were the 47 Rōnin…?
  • Chefs
  • Sailors
  • Samurai
Red Jaguars (Correct - 2 steps left)
Is a samurai…?
  • A Thief
  • A Warrior
  • A Baker
Silver Snakes (Correct - 2 steps left)
Does the word "Rōnin" mean…?
  • Brave Man
  • Fool
  • Outcast
Silver Snakes (Correct - 1 step left)
Were the 47 Rōnin the bodyguards of…?
  • Lord Asano
  • Lord Byron
  • Lord Kira
Green Monkeys (Wrong Answer - 3 Steps Left)
Red Jaguars (Previously Guessed Wrong Answer - 2 Steps Left)
According to our legend, the name of the number one samurai was….
  • Kobayashi
  • Yoko
Red Jaguars (Correct - 1 step left)
Did the 47 Rōnin find Lord Kira hiding in…?
  • A Barrel
  • A Bathroom
Red Jaguars (Correct - Advanced to Temple Games)
In Old Japan, was the military ruler…?
  • A Pharaoh
  • The Shogun
  • The Prime Minister
Green Monkeys (Correct - 2 steps left)
The Shogun was the military ruler, but was his boss…?
  • The King
  • The Emperor
  • Mrs. Shogun
Silver Snakes (Correct - Advanced to Temple Games)

Temple Games

The Red Jaguars are Joe, who plays basketball and collects keys, and Jillion, who plays volleyball, likes singing, and collects karaoke tapes. The Silver Snakes are Jeremy, who plays basketball and wants to be a standup comedian, and Elise, who plays basketball and rides horses.

​Lord Kira's Castle (Trampoline/Net Maze)[]

Jeremy LaCorte Rings Lord Kira's Gong

The 47 Rōnin sneaked up to Lord Kira's castle and overcame the guards. Before Joe and Jeremy stood Lord Kira's castle, which they had to infiltrate from below. When Kirk gave the signal, each player had to launch himself through the webbing, climb through, and throw the samurai back down through the hole. Once done, he had to go onto the next level and do it again. When either player reached the top, he had to throw the warrior through the hole and ring the gong. The player to ring the gong in 60 seconds won. Jeremy rang the gong with 36 seconds remaining, awarding him a half Pendant of Life.

​Japanese Garden Rocks (Pop-Up Tunnel)[]

Some Japanese gardens are made not of plants, but sand and rocks which are valued for their interesting shapes or colors. While the Rōnin were plotting their revenge, they often passed secret messages to each other by hiding them under garden rocks. Before Jillion and Elise were a tunneled garden filled with colored rocks. When Kirk gave the signal, each player had to crawl through the tunnel, pop through the hole, and grab the rock she found there. After that, she had to go on to the next hole. If the rock there matched the one she already had, she had to bring them back and drop them in her bin. If the rock did not match, she had to swap the one she already had with the one she found and go on to the next hole. The player with the most pairs in her bin in 60 seconds won. Elise only managed to find one pair, awarding her a half Pendant of Life. Jillion was unable to find any pairs.

​Tower Walls (Rubber Ring Toss)[]

Lord Kira (expecting an attack) doubled the walls of his castle. The teams' task was to the double the walls of the towers before them. When Kirk gave the signal, The player on the ground had to throw a stone (really rubber) to his/her partner. Once his/her partner caught it, he/she had to slide toward the tower, toss it over the tower and go back for another. The team to build a wall of six rings around their tower or the team with the most rings around their tower in 60 seconds won. The Silver Snakes were unable to drop any rings around their tower, while the Red Jaguars won a full Pendant of Life with two rings around their tower, leading to a tie.


War Fan of the Forty-Seven Rōnin Tiebreaker

Olmec: "Samurai always wore two of these weapons: Slingshots…" Jeremy rang in before Olmec could finish, but he was correct when he answered "Swords", sending him and Elise to Olmec's Temple in search of the war fan.

Temple Games Results
Team Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Pendants Won Tiebreaker
Red Jaguars Lost Lost Won 1 Pendant Lost
Silver Snakes Won Won Lost 1 Pendant Won

Temple Run

Jeremy went first into the temple moving at moderately fast pace. Choosing to head up into The Crypt, he unlocks the door leading down to The Pit of the Pendulum after pulling two of the books from the skeleton. But just after doing so, the first temple guard popped out and captured Jeremy with 2:51, thus forking over the team's only pendant of life. After giving the guard his Pendant of Life, Jeremy advanced into The Pit of the Pendulum where he quickly knocks down the column and proceeds to go down into The Tomb of the Headless Kings. (As that was the only door that was opened). While in the room, Jeremy quickly pulled on all the vines to find the missing skull. But after all the bones fell, he had a tough time trying to find the skull and was scrambling around to try to see where it was. Unfortunately, while he ran in circles looking for the skull, Jeremy inadvertently closed the Pit-Tomb door, which will sadly come as a major issue later on. Eventually he discovers that the skull was already resting on the camera-left king and proceeds to place them on the headless kings. After placing it on the king on the right, Jeremy then climbs up the ladder and into The Chamber of the Sacred Markers where he quickly got to work placing the markers onto the wall. Luckily, Jeremy had a good strategy to take two of the symbols first and place them on the wall before grabbing the last one. However, even after placing them on the wall, none of the doors opened, but after pressing the symbols in harder, Jeremy unlocks the door leading into The Room of the Ancient Warriors and heads into that room next. In there, Jeremy unlocks the door leading into The Shrine of the Silver Monkey after trying only one of the armors. Then in the shrine, Jeremy made another amazing move by quickly grabbing all of the pieces of the monkey from the shelves and then swiftly placing them together within 9 seconds. After assembling the monkey, the doors leading to The Dark Forest and The Room of the Secret Password opened up. While Jeremy did notice that he could head down, he decided to continue on the top floor and into The Room of the Secret Password, but unfortunately, he was caught by the second Temple Guard with 1:08 left on the clock. Thus, removing him from the temple.

Elise in the Pit of the Pendulum

Elise went into the temple next, while she was not as fast as her partner, she still made good use of her time and knew where to go. However, when Elise tried to enter The Tomb of the Headless Kings, she encountered the re-locked Tomb door and was left confused on what to do or where to go since no other door was opened. After a massive delay due to the production error, the door was finally reopened again with twenty-eight seconds left. To which Elise quickly tried to rush to The Room of the Secret Password where Jeremy left off. And while Elise was able to make it into the room on time, time soon ran out before she could do anything in the room.

The team did a pretty good job clearing out the rooms with little to no mistakes. And while it would have most likely been a close finish on getting the war fan out on time. It was unfortunate that a production error cost Jeremy and Elise the chance for them to grab the artifact on time. But luckily, the two were awarded the second grand prize due to the production error.

Temple Run Results
Victory No
Grabbed the Artifact No
Reached the Artifact's Room No
Method of Loss Failed Acquisition
Temple Guard Locations The Crypt (Blue mask)
The Room of the Secret Password (black mask)
The Ledges (Gold mask)

Prize Plugs

  • Original Run
    • Moat Crossing: Moon Shoes by Hart Enterprises
    • Steps of Knowledge: Falcon Soccer Ball and Power Spike Volleyball from Regent Sports
    • Temple Games: Casio SongStar Double Deck Karaoke Machine
  • Alternate Version
    • Moat Crossing: Koosh Lings
    • Steps of Knowledge: Magical Maze: The Simple Game of Twists & Turns from University Games
    • Temple Games: Jet Set

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